Flower Foundation’s concept was born in 1963 when three extraordinary individuals - Moray Franz, Florrie Richter and Dr Archie Borowitz - came together and used their foresight and ingenuity to change the lives of the aged around them. The premise was a simple one that has been in practice in Sweden over time, where people were encouraged to give money towards the elderly in memory of a loved one, instead of giving flowers when they passed away. These monies would be used to provide homes and care to the elderly who were in much need at the time.


The Flower Foundation acts in accordance with the Older Persons Act 13 of 2006

The Constitution says that every South African has the right to dignity and the right to have that dignity respected and protected. The Older Persons Act therefore aims to alleviate the plight of older citizens in South Africa by setting up a framework for their empowerment and protection. The Act promotes and maintains the rights, status, well-being, and safety and security of older persons.

Responsibilities of the Government

The Government is expected to take reasonable measures to achieve the aims of this Act. All decisions, proceeding actions or decisions that affect older persons must promote their rights and treat the person fairly. Older persons must be protected from unfair discrimination of any kind. Confrontational approaches and delays in action must be avoided in any matter concerning an older person.

The Act affects all older persons living in South Africa, and all officials, employees and representatives of the Government.

The Act aims to do five things:

Maintain and promote the status, wellbeing, safety and security of older persons

Maintain and protect the rights of older persons

Help older persons to stay in their homes in the community for as long as possible,

Regulate services and residential facilities for older persons

Combat abuse of older persons.


General Information

Aims and Objectives of Flower Foundation

Our approach to aged care is based on respect, taking into consideration our culture and heritage. It inspires us to:

  • Maintain our beautiful spaces with functional amenities at each village;
  • Employ the best available experienced nursing staff, to support ailing residents with the professional care they require;
  • Place the best interest of our residents at the heart of what we do;
  • Promote the empowerment of the aged through continued home ownership that our purchase model provides;
  • Provide the best security as is practical during the tenure of the contract;
  • Promote active, healthy lifestyles to ensure we extend the years of purposeful living of our residents.

Flower Foundation Finances

As a Non-Profit Organisation we do not receive financial assistance from public funds towards the expenses and operational costs of the Flower Foundation Villages.

  • We manage our financial needs on a self-supporting basis whereby each unit meets its expenditure out of its own current income derived from levies attached to each unit.
  • A Benevolent fund has been setup to help residents who have fallen on hard times. Through the financial support or contributions from our patrons we are able to support these residents.
  • We are grateful to our patrons who provide continued financial support which help us to uphold the dignity and standard of living of our residents.



Ways you can help Flower Foundation


Donate an amount of your choice to Flower Foundation’s Benevolent Fund.


Bequeath a portion of your estate to Flower Foundation in your will.


Request that donations in lieu of flowers be made to Flower Foundation.


Start your journey with Flower Foundation today!